American Dental Association Refutes The Validity Of Bottled Water Report

by | Aug 15, 2012 | Dental Health

Hi everyone!

There has been growing skepticism in recent years about the damage bottled bottled-waterwater can produce on both dental and long term health. Many research studies and investigations have concluded that drinking bottled water could be detrimental to your health. However, the American Dental Association recently refuted a bottled water report that proves the negative effects bottled water can have on your teeth.  (I am purposely leaving out of this discussion the long term effects bottles water has on the environment!)

Recent reports have shown that drinking bottled water can deprive your teeth of the fluoride they need to stay strong and healthy, especially when it comes to kids’ teeth.  Some dentists say these studies lack the evidence needed to support the claim that drinking bottled water contributes to tooth decay through the depletion of fluoride. There has been ongoing research on this topic all throughout 2012, and there may be some evidence that bottled water may be linked to tooth decay.  In fact, some studies say that drinking bottled water actually speeds up the tooth decay process in children. But Dr. Jonathan Shenkin supports the claim that bottled water has no negative effects on tooth health.

Shenkin’s stance on the subject is backed by Dr. Burton Edelstein, president of the Children’s Dental Health Project. Edelstein also holds that a lack of fluoride in bottled water will not hurt children, because they get fluoride from other sources. Edelstein says that children who get too much fluoride may actually be at an increased risk for cavities and tooth decay.

The claim that bottled water can cause cavities comes as shocking and unfortunate news for those who drink bottled water to promote good health. In recent years, there have been claims that bottled water contains unnatural substances, such as antidepressant medications and unnatural ingredients that can damage the body over time. At one time deemed a global conspiracy, the claim that bottled water causes health problems has remained a subject of great debate.

Dental dental health professionals say we may be able to get adequate fluoride from certain foods, rinses and toothpaste containing fluoride. But there is no denying the epidemiological evidence that fluoridated water has decreased the incidence of decay dramatically.  Be that as it may, The American Dental Association wants people to know that any water is still healthier and safer than sugary drinks, such as soda. In spite of the proven and documented benefits of fluoridated water, there are some people that still want to remove fluoride from drinking water. This is well intentioned, but it would come at a steep cost and a return to the pre-1960’s decay epidemic.

So until next time,

Dr. Mark W. Langberg, DDS, MAGD
26206 West 12 Mile Road, Suite 303
Southfield, MI 48034
(248) 356-8790