“Behind the Scenes” at our Office, Part 1

by | Feb 17, 2008 | General Dentistry

We use only the best American dental laboratories and the best, highest quality materials for your crowns, bridges, veneers and dentures. The latest trend in dentistry is to outsource dental labwork to other countries to save on labcosts. Many dentists are using labs in China, Vietnam and India that will do dental labwork for 1/4 the cost of American labs. There is no regulatory oversight for these labs and you have no idea what kind of metals or ceramics are being used. As with most things, you get what you pay for. 

We are extremely "picky" about who does our labwork, and our standards are very high. Since our reputation rides on all the restorative dentistry we place in your mouth, the choice of labs is 100% determined by the quality of the restorations, and 0% determined by the labfees our office pays. Anything else just doesn’t work for us.

We use the best dental materials from such proven American companies as 3M, Kerr (Romulus, MI based) and Kodak. There are cheaper generics for almost everything. We don’t use them.

Until next time,

Mark W Langberg, DDS, MAGD