5 Qualities of a Good Dental Implant Candidate

by | Dec 21, 2021 | General Dentistry

For many patients and dentists alike, dental implants are the tooth replacement option of choice. Even though many people would prefer them over other options, dental implants aren’t the right fit for everyone. So, how can you know if dental implants are a good option for you? Read on to learn about five qualities that a good dental implant candidate should have before moving forward with the procedure.

#1: Excellent Oral Hygiene

Though you can’t develop cavities in your dental implants, it’s still incredibly important to properly brush and floss them as part of your oral health routine. This will remove plaque and food debris, which can help prevent cavities from forming in your remaining natural teeth. If cavities do develop and they’re left untreated, this can lead to gum disease. If gum disease gets bad enough, it can cause your natural teeth to fall out and your implants to fail. Prove that you’re a good candidate for dental implants by maintaining excellent oral hygiene so your dentist knows you’ll take good care of your replacement teeth.

#2: Healthy Gums

During the dental implant procedure, a small incision is made in the gums so the implant can be inserted through them and into the jawbone. Additionally, advanced gum disease is the leading cause of tooth loss in adults and can cause your implants to fail. If you have an infection of the gums, treatment will be necessary before you’re able to get dental implants.

#3: Good Lifestyle Choices

Lifestyle choices like smoking and heavy drinking can both lead to dry mouth, which can result in a range of oral health issues like cavities and gum disease. Additionally, smoking triples your risk of implant failure, puts you at an elevated risk of developing infections, and hinders the healing process. Cut back on these habits or cut them out completely to lessen your chances of experiencing complications during and after the implant procedure.

#4: A Healthy Jawbone

Dental implants are inserted into the bone of the jaw where they fuse with it through a process called osseointegration. If the jawbone isn’t dense enough, it won’t be able to adequately support implants. In this case, your dentist may recommend a bone graft to build up enough structure in the jawbone.

#5: Great Overall Health

There are several health conditions that can impact the dental implant procedure. For example, heart disease makes anesthesia less effective. Additionally, diabetes makes those living with it more prone to infections and less successful at fighting them. Diabetes also inhibits osseointegration, which can lead to implant failure. If you have one of these chronic conditions or any other serious health issues, make sure to tell your dentist so they can take the necessary precautions.

Set up a consultation with your dentist so you can work together to determine if dental implants are right for you. If they are, you’ll be sporting a healthy, happy smile in no time!

About the Practice

Are you missing one or more teeth? Do you need durable, realistic replacements that can last a lifetime? With five talented dentists and two convenient locations, LakeView Family Dental offers the best care to patients of all ages. They perform the entire dental implant procedure in-house, which saves you time and allows you to receive a full, healthy smile even sooner. Are you interested in learning more about dental implants or do you want to make an appointment with LakeView Family Dental? Call their West Bloomfield office at (248) 363-3304, their Keego Harbor office at (248) 720-5284, or visit their website.