Are Your Gums Bloody? Your Dentist in West Bloomfield Can Help

by | May 24, 2019 | General Dentistry

Woman feeling sore gumsAre you used to seeing blood in the sink after brushing your teeth? You didn’t think it was a big deal at first, but now you’re wondering if it’s a sign of a bigger issue. It’s best not to ignore it when your gums bleed — it can be a symptom of gum disease and other serious health problems. In this post, your dentist in West Bloomfield explains how to know when you should seek help for your bloody gums.

Why Are My Gums Bleeding?

Your gums might bleed for many different reasons, including:

  • Gum disease
  • Brushing too hard or starting a new flossing routine
  • Taking certain medications, including blood thinners
  • Having dentures that don’t fit properly
  • Inflamed gums due to pregnancy

If your gums bleed heavier or longer than you would expect, it may be a sign of a more serious medical condition, including diabetes, leukemia, thrombocytopenia and hemophilia. A lack of energy paired with bleeding gums is also a symptom of a vitamin deficiency. If you experience either of these symptoms, talk with your dentist to see if you need to visit your regular doctor.

What Exactly Is Gum Disease?

Gum disease is by far the most common reason for bloody gums — but what actually is gum disease? There are two main types: gingivitis and periodontitis. Gingivitis is the inflammation of your gums and usually precedes periodontitis, a serious gum infection that can lead to tooth loss. You should see your dentist if you suffer from red or swollen gums, persistent bad breath or receding gums as soon as possible so your specific symptoms don’t become any worse.

In most cases, your dentist will treat your gum disease in West Bloomfield with a strong oral hygiene routine, which can stop the bleeding. Another option is an in-depth cleaning known as scaling and root planing, which removes bacteria from the mouth.

How Do I Prevent Gum Disease?

Gum disease — and bloody gums — are easily preventable. Maintaining these healthy habits will help your gums stay strong:

  • Brush and floss your teeth daily
  • Visit your dentist at least twice a year for check ups
  • Avoid tobacco use
  • Enjoy a well-balanced diet
  • Refrain from grinding and clenching your teeth

Bloody gums are best not ignored — addressing them now can save you a lot of stress in the future!  Whether it’s a simple fix or a sign of a larger issue, your dentist is here to help with your bleeding gums. By taking care of your teeth and gums, you can enjoy a happy and healthy smile for years to come.

About the Practice

LakeView Family Dental is lead by a team of talented clinical experts who each have a unique dental concentration, sharing a passion for outstanding service and care. Dr. Isler, the in-house periodontist, has achieved a Master’s of Science in Periodontics from the University of Detroit and offers personalized and comfortable periodontal therapy. He recognizes the importance of gum health in relation to full-body wellness. If you have further questions about gum disease, the doctors can be reached through their website or at 248-363-3304.