Volunteering in Quito, Ecuador

by | Aug 19, 2008 | General Dentistry

Hey Everyone!

This week’s blog is written by my daughter, Laura, a 20 year old nursing student in Ann Arbor:    

Quito1 (Small)   This summer I participated with anorganization called the Quito Project, a non profit group of University of Michigan students who travel to Ecuador to help the disadvantaged children and adults of southern Quito.  This summer, the program set up and operated a medical clinic, a dental clinic, social work service and tutoring center, all free of charge to the local people.  I spent five weeks living with an Ecuadorian family and tutoring six to fourteen year olds in math and language.  We also helped out quite a bit in both the medical and dental clinics.  For many of the patients, these free clinics are the only type of medical are they will receive all  year.

I was also very happy to be able to help out by distributing toothbrushes and toothpaste from my dad’s office to the Ecuadorian kids, most of whom had none.  Quito4 (Small)Check out the pictures and their beautiful faces.  Although the clinic with its wooden benches and dirt floors didn’t look like my dad’s office, we were able to provide valuable and needed services and teach the children the basics of oral health.

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I was really lucky to have the opportunity to meet some wonderful people, practice my Spanish, and most importantly be of service to some great kids that happen to live in a place that desperately needs all the dental and medical help we can give!

Thanks for reading!

Laura Langberg  8/18/08.