Fish Oil, Flossing and Gum Disease

by | May 25, 2012 | Gum disease


Hey everyone!

Because good nutrition has a huge impact on our oral and overall health, our dental practice in Southfield, Mark W. Langberg, DDS, MAGD, PC offers the following recommendation to help battle gum inflammation, gum recession and tooth loss. Periodontitis (gum disease) has been linked to diabetes, heart disease, stroke, premature birth and other serious health issues.

One way to fight gum inflammation is to include polyunsaturated fats in your diet. You can grill or broil some salmon, eat some sushi or take an omega-3 fish oil supplement. Other cold water seafood with a healthful amount of fatty acids includes:

  • Tuna
  • Shellfish
  • Trout
  • Sardines
  • Seaweed
  • Herring
  • Mackerel

Why is Fish Oil Helpful?

Scientists believe the fatty acids in the oil have anti-inflammatory properties. If combined with daily flossing and brushing, as well as routine dental hygiene visits at our Southfield dental office, most people will be less likely to have gingivitis or periodontitis, a more advanced gum disease.

Researchers at Harvard Medical School recently looked at data collected from 9,000 adults and found that those who consumed the most docosahexaenoic acid, an important omega-3 fatty acid, showed a marked lower incidence of gum disease. Japanese researchers looked at the effects of the same fatty acid in the diets of a population sample of senior citizens. The elderly adults who had low intake of fish oil were 1.5 times as likely to have gum disease as those who consumed higher amounts of the omega-3 oil.

What are the Signs of Periodontitis?

  • Bleeding, swollen, red and tender gums
  • Gingival recession and pockets
  • Loose or missing teeth
  • Pus under gums and between teeth
  • Bad breath

If you have any of these symptoms or suspect you may have gum disease, don’t delay! Save your teeth and health! Make a dental appointment by calling our office now at (248) 356-8790 or visit us on

That’s all for today!  So until next time,


Dr. Mark W Langberg, DDS, MAGD
26206 West 12 Mile Road, Suite 303
Southfield, MI 48034
(248) 356-8790